March 7, 2012

20 and Counting

This week marks the halfway point of our pregnancy. Half way there.

Oh my.

Time flies when you're preparing for a baby, right?!

Baby boy is about the length of a banana now, roughly 10 1/2 ounces in weight and 10 inches from head to heel. I have a little bit of a "heartier" appetite again and I'm still feeling really good and fairly energetic, although bending forward to pick something up off of the floor is becoming more of a challenge lately. I return to the doctor two weeks from today for another check up and am eager to find out how baby is measuring.

Some highlights from the past couple of weeks:
1. I've felt a few more flutters from our little guy. Nothing very prominent although fairly distinguishable from hunger or indigestion. I am really looking forward to the constant movements that should be felt soon and the coming weeks when others will be able to feel him move also.

2. We've cleaned out our condo and moved most of our stuff to a storage unit in preparation of placing our house on the market! What a huge accomplishment this was. A special thanks to our friends Katherine and Jarod for helping us move last weekend! Now we're focusing our efforts on cleaning the place from top to bottom. It'll be ready to list and show before we know it.

3. Since everyone has found out that we're having a boy, the new favorite question now is "Have you thought of any names?". We were definitely waiting to talk about names until we knew what we'd be having so we could automatically eliminate a whole list. The answer to the question is yes, we have talked about some names but we haven't officially said out loud if we've nailed down the one we're going with. You know, because saying it out loud makes it official. Nor have we decided yet if we're sharing the name or keeping it a surprise until his birth. Oh the decisions to be made!

4. We've started dreaming about what the nursery might look like and I have to admit that being creative isn't always such a good thing. Pair that with being indecisive (on my part) and you've got one overwhelmed mind. With all the options out there, I think I might have to close my eyes and pick something to go with. Right now we're tossing around a few different color palettes but have yet to choose something definite.

There is so much left to do, so many decisions to make, but we're grateful that we're further along today than yesterday. We hope to have exciting news about selling our house and moving in the coming weeks. We cherish your continued prayers!


  1. So exciting.....all the things to prepare forage such a sure to take time to cherish al the little steps that lead up to this already-loved boy's debut! We praise God for your health and Baby Scott's continued growth! We can help you pick things up off the floor, too!
    Love you- mom

  2. That was not forage..... For was the word! I hate autospell features!
