April 19, 2012

26 Weeks

Wow, where have I been!? Blogging just hasn't been a priority for a while now, but I figured it was time for an update. Can't leave this thing sitting back in March when we're halfway through April already!

We're halfway through our 26th week of pregnancy and our little guy is more active each day. We had a great appointment yesterday and the doctor is pleased with his progress saying that we're right on track for an average baby. "Not too big, not too small" were his exact words. That's certainly music to my ears as he will have to come out eventually, and the closer we get, the more overwhelming it becomes to think about.

So for now, we won't think about it, but instead here are some highlights from the past several weeks:

1. We're about the size of an English cucumber, measuring in around 14 inches or so. He's beginning to pack on the baby fat, which could explain the noticeable increase in his activity level.

2. Matt was able to feel him move between week 23 and 24. We had a lazy Sunday afternoon on the couch and baby decided it was a good time to move enough for his daddy to see and feel. What an amazing moment for Matt to be able to feel him move and watch my belly twitch! I'll never forget the look on his face when he asked, "Was that it?" and I said, "Yes!" Now we watch my belly twitch on what is becoming a more regular basis. The movements are still somewhat soft, but every now and then he'll deliver a blow strong enough to hurt.

3. We placed our condo on the market three weeks ago and had several showings and are now under contract with a buyer! Nothing can explain this other than the grace of God and how He continues to provide for our needs. Now, we wait for the process of inspections and an appraisal to be done with a closing date of May 30. We continue to ask for prayers over this next step of the process, along with our next step of finding a new place to live. Our God is a big God and we are excited to see how he continues to unfold His plan for us.

4. We have a maternity photo shoot coming up in a couple of weeks with our wedding photographer and are really excited to capture this time in our lives. I'm grateful that we were able to barter our services (my design for her photography) to make this happen and look forward to seeing the magic she works behind her camera.

5. We've checked out three pediatricians so far and definitely have a ranking order of who we prefer. We've learned a lot just from these visits and are coming closer to making a final decision. One more thing we can cross off the list!

Stay tuned for another (gasp!) blog post about our recent trip to Washington D.C. and New York City with my family, loaded with pictures!

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