Journey Church

Being a part of a community of believers in the local area is super important in our lives as Christians. It was all part of God's plan from the beginning and is vital to our growing process. God does not want us to go through this life alone. We need the community of others who believe what we believe and also feel called to a higher purpose. We need fellowship with other Christians. We need accountability. We need to be challenged. And sometimes we need a shoulder to lean on or someone to pray for us. He wants us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, and through the body of Christ, the church, we can do that. Matt and I have been very blessed as the Lord led us to Journey in the summer of 2006 through my parents. Since then we've witnessed the works of Jesus and have been challenged and have grown in our faith. We have learned more about how Jesus wants us to live and have been able to apply that to our own lives. 

If you're looking for a church to try in Raleigh, you should check out Journey Church. The mission is simple: Helping People Follow Jesus. Teaching is relevant, musical worship is out of this world and there are plenty of opportunities to get plugged in. If you want to know Jesus on a deeper level, you should give it a try. And if it's not the church for you, they'll help you find the church that is! There are lots of good ones around...Just get PLUGGED in! What are YOU waiting for? You DON'T want to miss out on Jesus! Visit for more information.