February 27, 2012

Snips and Snails...

and puppy dog tails, that's what BOYS are made of!

Yes, it's true. We're having a boy! Last week we had our third appointment with our "big" ultrasound to find out how baby is progressing and to see if we'd be having a boy or a girl. To say I was nervous and excited all wrapped up in one was a huge understatement. We're happy to say that our baby is growing just as he should be, right on track for an end of July due date. He weighs in at about 8 ounces now and his heartbeat was a steady 144 bpm. The doctor is pleased with his progress and mine, so we're thankful that all is going well so far.

We kept the gender a secret for two days until we had a small gathering of family and our small group friends over for a gender reveal party on Friday night. Celebrating with lots of delicious food and red velvet cupcakes, we kept people in suspense all evening. We asked our guests to wear pink or blue to show what they thought we'd be having. Team Blue consisted of three people while Team Pink held the most votes with 12! Weren't they surprised?! After we had finished dinner, we passed out cupcakes that were filled with blue vanilla pudding. On the count of three, we had everyone take a bite to reveal that we'd be welcoming a little boy into the family this summer.

We are very excited about our little guy and things becoming more "real" now that we know who has been taking up residency inside of me for the last 18 weeks! We are really looking forward to being able to plan and prepare for a boy, dreaming of what his nursery will look like and what his personality will be. We are also looking forward to making a decision on what his name will be.

We love you sweet boy!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

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