Uganda 2011

In July 2011, we spent two weeks in Uganda, East Africa with a team from our church. To check out our journey, visit our Uganda blog:

Arise Africa International (AAI) is a Christian organization based in Jinja, Uganda. This is the organization we partnered with during our two week stay in July of 2011. Their vision is to plant churches and to help them grow and develop. Currently there are over 200 churches under AAI. Besides planting churches, AAI serves in many other ways such as childcare and medical ministry. You can read more about this ministry here. This ministry and team of people have become friends to us; they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Each day, they give up time with their own families to serve others at their guesthouse and in the different villages of Uganda. Still, they struggle with not having enough resources to meet their needs. If you would like to support this ministry in any way, please contact us.