For Emmett's first birthday, we invited a small group of family and friends to celebrate this milestone with us. So thankful that we have one year under our belts and so proud of our little man. It's so hard to believe that he's one! We kept it pretty simple with a blue and red balloon and bunting theme. (Emmett is a huge fan of balloons, so it was a perfect fit.) I'm so glad that I spent time well in advance thinking of a theme and planning it out. It came together fairly easily and there was not a whole lot of stress involved, which was my goal from the start. We had help from family and friends which made things even easier and it sure was a day to celebrate! Not just that we've made it through the first year, but that Emmett was healed from his sickness that he came down with the week before, forcing us to reschedule his party. Thank you to all whole celebrated with us and those who have supported, loved and prayed us through this tough year!
The Invitation:

Carrying the Theme Outside:

The Decoration - Buntings and Balloons; A Wall of Monthly Photos from Newborn to 12 Months:

The Dessert: Smash Cake for Emmett and Cupcakes for the Rest:

Blowing Out the Candle:

Getting (not so) Messy with the Cake:

A Birthday Blessings Journal:

Opening Gifts:

Playing with Our Youngest Guest, Ava:

Cousins Playing Ball:

On Emmett's actual birthday, July 31st, Matt took the morning off from work. We had breakfast and played at our neighborhood playground.

For lunch, Nana took us out to lunch to celebrate at the Cheesecake Factory. Cousin Della and Auntie Erin also came along for the fun!

Party Supplies: Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Party City and Michaels
Invitation, Banners, Cupcake Toppers and Cake Bunting: Designed by Stacy; Printed by Carolina Reprographics
Picture Frames and Photo Ledges (already owned): Ikea
Oh my goodness - he is SO cute and the party was perfect! You did such a great job, Stacy! :-)