June 19, 2012

35 Weeks

35 weeks?! Yikes.

Just under five weeks to go until our due date! That's four more Sundays at Journey, or four more small group meetings, or two more birthdays to celebrate. Enter anxiety, excitement, nervousness, joy, happiness, relief.

As of our last appointment we're measuring right on schedule. Our little guy is in the 50th percentile and expected to be between seven and eight pounds when born. Right now he can be compared to the weight of a honey dew melon and is a little over 18 inches in height.

This week is the final week I can enjoy without doctor's appointments. Next week we begin our weekly visits and soon we'll start being checked for any progress we're making towards labor.

I have a love-hate relationship with sleep at this point, which, I know, only gets worse.

My sister-in-laws hosted a baby shower for me at the beginning of this month. They were so creative in the activities they planned and the turn out was awesome! We are very blessed with friends and family who love us and support us and are excited for this baby to arrive. He's going to be one well-dressed kiddo!

We took our childbirth class at the hospital two weeks ago. While it was a super long day, I'm glad we chose to take the all-day class so that we don't have to return for more classes. I feel like we learned some good techniques and that we're a little better prepared for our hospital stay when it comes time to go in.

Over this past weekend, Matt and I were able to get away on a little "babymoon" to celebrate my birthday and one last trip alone before the baby comes. Instead of splurging on a long weekend out of town, Matt surprised me with two nights at the Renaissance! Thanks to our family for hooking us up, we were able to enjoy some relaxing time together. On Friday, we went to dinner and a movie. On Saturday, we started off the day with a fantastic breakfast at the hotel. Then we headed out to get manicures and pedicures, followed by my pre-natal massage I received for Mother's Day and then dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I'd say that was a pretty good birthday! Sunday we finished out with sleeping in and going to the last service at Journey - something we never do!

We've been out of our condo for a few weeks now and enjoying time at my parent's house. We've made the decision to pursue building a house on some family land that we are being gifted through Matt's dad. A huge undertaking, we are very excited about this and feel it's the right thing for us to do at this point. We are ready to settle down and not have to worry about moving again in a few years to be in an area that we want to raise a family in. We've spent lots of time looking over floor plans and checking out a couple of builders. Once we can nail down the builder and floor plan, we'll be very close to breaking ground. While it's not what most people would choose to do with a baby on the way, we know it's the path for us. We are so grateful for parents on both sides of the family who are willing to help us through this process. We know we wouldn't be able to do this without them.

Now, what's left on the to-do list are things like pack our hospital bags, set up the cradle, make a playlist on our iPod for labor and delivery, and wash the baby clothes. Goodness, gracious... we're going to be parents in five weeks!

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