January 8, 2012

13 Weeks

We just turned the corner to 13 weeks pregnant. 13 weeks pregnant and according to my weekly pregnancy email update, our baby is now the size of a medium shrimp. We're heading full throttle into the second trimester and hoping the days to come are filled with more energy and motivation to carry on with life (chores, design work, etc) and preparing for baby (packing, moving, etc).

But in the meantime, some fun facts since we found out our first baby is on the way:

We shared the news with our parents the week before Christmas by way of tiny onesie ornaments
for their Christmas trees.

We shared the news with our small group at our Christmas party. We set up a group photo and while I was adjusting the camera, our friend Katherine told Matt to say something funny. Taking the perfect cue, he said "We're pregnant!" Below is the group's reaction to the good news, after they finally believed we were telling the truth!

At our first appointment we had an early ultrasound and were able to see there was in fact a little bean in there! What a miracle of life and reminder of how big our God really is.

We made our "official" announcement after having a good first doctor's visit. We were humbled by all the excitement and well-wishes from our family and friends.

(People, the above ultrasound is the miracle of what photoshop can do. Not the actual size of the ultrasound picture we received from our doctor!)

At our second appointment, we were able to hear the heartbeat. A fast 160 beats per minute! The doctor says we are very healthy and progressing normally and don't have to return for our next appointment for 6 weeks.

Although being tired has been the overriding theme of my life for the last several weeks, I really can't complain about crazy pregnancy symptoms. No weird cravings, no sickness. Just exhaustion and hunger at all hours of the day. I've had to succumb to my anti-nap lifestyle just to make it through the day sometimes!

While I haven't been craving anything strange to eat, I definitely prefer salty things over sweet things. This wasn't abnormal for me before pregnancy, but it seems that the craving has heightened a little. Soups, crackers, cheese? Yes, please!

I've wanted nothing to do with being on a computer. This makes it really difficult to continue to work on design projects and edit photos, two things that I have loved in the past. Here's to hoping it's just a phase.

I can still wear my regular clothes, although my jeans are not becoming the most comfortable item of choice lately. It won't be long before I have a bump and I am not ashamed to say I look forward to wearing pants with a stretchy band for a while.

And for all your prayer warriors out there, we ask that you would be in prayer for:

A continued healthy pregnancy and baby, increased energy and motivation to keep up with life and wisdom for what to do with our condo (selling or renting it out) and where to move next. This is one of those things that appears so big to us that we cannot see how it will happen, but we trust and believe that we serve a mighty God who can move mountains.


  1. What?!? They didn't give you the GIANT ultrasound picture??? :)

  2. I LOVE how you told your small group!!!! That was awesome.

    We are SO excited for ya'll! Hope you get that second trimester burst of energy soon:)

  3. Thanks Tasha! We are pretty excited too. :)
