August 29, 2011

A Glimpse of Heaven

Great minds think alike. Yes, it's true. We must have great minds.

For our birthdays this year, both Matt and I bought each other a pair of tickets to the Hillsong concert in Greensboro, NC. Yep. We didn't talk to each other about it. We didn't mention they would be in concert to each other. We didn't say anything. Promise.

I actually thought I was being super slick about buying Matt's birthday present early. The day they went on sale, I was online and checking out within five minutes. Little did I know, Matt had the same idea. And since my birthday is first, I received my tickets first. When I did, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold in the secret for another four weeks. So, I cracked. And I handed him an envelope with "Matt's Birthday Present" written on the front.

"What's this?" he asked. "Just open it. You won't believe this."

After a good laugh, we knew we had to sell the tickets.
So, my parents bought them and attended with us. We are grateful they were able to go.

 An amazing time of almost three hours of worshipping Jesus, I am pretty sure I caught a glimpse of what Heaven might be like. I'm not talking about all the musical instruments and loud speakers or the screaming fans who love the band. I'm talking about the genuine worship when you put thousands of believers in one place at one time and together, with voices only, praise Jesus with all they've got. Hands raised. Broken hearts. Authentic worship. Beautiful. In fact, it's one of my most favorite things to listen to and be a part of. When the band stops playing their instruments. When they step away from their mics. When it's just one group and no super stars, lifting up praises to our Lord, the only One who is deserving of our shouts and songs. A glimpse of Heaven.

Can you imagine what Heaven must really be like? In my finite, little mind, I think that putting thousands of people together in a coliseum singing "I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all..." is one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. I cannot comprehend what Heaven will really be like when we spend our days worshipping the King. I only have this small glimpse, of what I think it will be like, and that is enough for me to get excited, to smile, and to think about how much God cares for me, that He would give me this teeny, tiny glimpse of what awaits His children.

The presence of the Lord was in that place. I'm so thankful that worship isn't confined to a church building. I'm so thankful worship isn't confined to a day of the week. I'm so thankful for the freedom I have to worship the God I love. I'm so thankful I was in that place, in the presence of the Almighty God.

What a great birthday present to give and receive.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Stacy- it was a most unbelievable night!! Thanks for the chance to go with you!! xoxo
