1. Airport Observation Deck - Last Friday, we took Emmett to the airport observation deck for the first time. We picked Matt up from work and then stole a few minutes of family fun before heading home. Emmett really enjoyed it! I'm sure we'll be back in the future when we have more time and it's a cooler day.

2. Swimming in a Big Pool - On Monday, we took Emmett to our neighborhood outdoor pool for the first time. I know, we have tried to get there throughout this summer, but we always had other plans or the timing just didn't work out with Emmett's schedule. We spent an hour there in the afternoon and Emmett LOVED it. He laughed and splashed and got quite a kick out of his mama swimming underwater towards him.

3. Journey Connect Group - My playgroup started this week! 5 new mamas gathered together in my home with their little ones and we had 3 hours of adult conversation and babies playing together. Some of us already knew each other but there were also two new faces. It was really nice to meet some ladies from Journey who are walking through the same season as me. It was a sweet time and I'm already looking forward to next week when we meet again.
4. Neighborhood Walks - Emmett's favorite place to be is outside. Ever since he was a newborn, he does best when he's outdoors. When he would fuss and nothing else would work, we'd walk him outside and he'd settle right down. He has loved walks for a while now, so I look forward to nice weather when we can head out for an hour and walk around our neighborhood. It's good exercise for me and it gives him the fresh air that he needs. Although it was a bit hot, we still got out for a few walks just for a change of scenery and some sunshine.
5. Proverbs 31 Gives Back - The online Bible study that I'm participating in has been collecting letters, prayers and scripture, as well as financial donations, for Dove's Nest. You can read a little bit about it in a previous post. Today, the leaders released a video, which you can see here, where they are seated at a table that is covered in the mail that has arrived from around the world to bless the ladies at Dove's Nest. How awesome to be seated at that table and have the opportunity to watch all the mail pile up knowing that lives will be encouraged and changed because of other ladies around the world. I'm grateful to be a part of this. Not to mention, so far, over $10,000 has been donated to Dove's Nest to help aid in the life change for the residents. Small, simple gestures when the people of God come together can change the world!
6. My Husband's Note of Encouragement - On Thursday morning, I woke up to an email from my husband that was filled with encouragement, love and support. My playgroup was going to meet for the first time that day. He knows I get anxious about new beginnings, and the playgroup has been a leap of faith. I'm comfortable by myself, or with a small group of people who I know, but I shy away from people I don't know. It's scary for me. And I avoid it when at all possible. Knowing that my husband had been praying for me and is continuing to do so, filled my heart with so much gratitude and confidence. I love knowing that my husband is behind me in what I do.
7. New Furniture - My parents blessed us with a gift for our home. I finally found something that I fell in love with for our living room. I have been looking and dreaming about a console type of table with storage that had a rustic, farmhouse type of feel to it. I really thought that I was going to have to resort to a DIY project to get what I really wanted, and while I was willing to do that, it wasn't my first wish. While we were visiting my brother and his family near Charlotte, the girls ended up at a Home Goods and we found this. (Please excuse the decorating-in-process going on!)

I LOVE it. I was worried at first because it matches our walls perfectly. (Yes, I carry the paint swatches of our house with me for moments like this!) I didn't know if I should alter the furniture or the wall on which it's placed. But, after it came in the house, and I began finding things to use in decorating the top, I really like it the way it is. I have a plan for the decor on top, and I'm so happy to begin with my favorite season, Fall! Stay tuned to see how it turns out, hopefully sooner rather than later. I love the warmth and "home-y-ness" that it brings to our living room. It's slowly coming together! The yellow tea light holder and the sign are also from Home Goods. What a dangerous store that can be...

8. Emmett - This little man always brings a smile to my face. He's a funny little boy and is really starting to grow into his personality. Oh, and did I mention his love for household gadgets that make noise? His favorite toys include our vacuum and my hair dryer. Unplugged of course. A funny kid I tell ya! (My mom caught him on video at her house on Wednesday vacuuming her floor. Yep, watch out ladies, this little man is going to know how to clean.)

I love the pictures - especially the one of you and your little man in the pool! :-)