Someone's little personality has started to come alive. At three months, Emmett is a joy to have in our lives. Although he's not an "easy" baby, he sure is a handsome fellow and we couldn't imagine life without him. He makes us smile and laugh and we love him to pieces.

He has started to drool and has developed very good head control. It won't be long before he is a pro at holding it up on his own! And I guess it's safe to say that it won't be long before teething begins either.

He loves to smile, laugh, coo, babble and play.
He has begun to grab at his toys and use his fingers a little bit more.

Emmett is still very routine oriented, eating every 3 hours during the day and sleeping relatively well at night. He wakes for his pacifier once or twice during the night, but still "gets" his days and nights. His acid reflux has gotten much better with his symptoms being virtually gone. We hope to take him off of his medication very soon.

He tracks moving objects and follows people as they go in and out of rooms. He rotates his head to see movement rather than just his eyes. He seems to recognize his mama and daddy, too.

Since he has better head control now and is getting stronger, he can sit up, or be propped up, with a little help. He seems to enjoy this view of the world, and really enjoys being held face out so he can see what's going on. He's beginning to realize there is more to life than eating. =)

At three months, Emmett is wearing size 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers. He's eating 5-6 times a day and is up to 6 oz. per feeding. Sometimes, he takes all 6 oz. and other times he only takes 4 oz. but he is still growing like a weed. I can't imagine what his stats will be at his 4 month check up in December!

Emmett is able to be content on his own in a swing or laying on his back for a little bit of time now. It's so nice to have the freedom to grab a snack or hit the potty!

At three months, Emmett
- Eating
- Playing on his back
- Wiggling/moving arms/kicking legs
- Sucking on his hands
- Babbling, cooing, "talking", smiling
- His pacifier
- White noise while he sleeps/calms down
- Being swaddled, arms in
- Walks in his stroller
- Sitting face out
- Baths
- Running water
- His elephant toy
- Stretching upon waking up
- Being rocked to sleep/snuggling
- Hearing the wind while riding in the car with windows open
- "Shh Shh-ing" in his ear (The nurse at the hospital taught us this as it sounds like the "whooshing" noise he heard for 9 months. Works every time he gets worked up, which is pretty often.)
- Tummy time (oh, how he loathes this!)
- His car seat, although he is a little more content for a longer time when distracted
- Being hot
- Napping (he takes one good nap a day)
Emmett Elijah, we love you more than you know. We are so thankful for you. We pray that you will know how much you are loved one day, not just by us, but by King Jesus, and that you would give your heart to Him. We look forward to watching you grow bigger every day and wait in anticipation wondering what you'll discover next! We love you sweet boy!
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