February 13, 2012

Week 17: Fun Facts

Well, it's Monday and I opened my inbox to find my weekly pregnancy update email waiting for me. We're 17 weeks in now and the size of a turnip, apparently. Yep. Approximately 5 inches from head to bottom and weighing in at 5 ounces. I don't like turnips, but we'll go with it and see what next week's fruit of choice is. It's funny how each week Matt will ask me what kind of fruit we're at now. I love that we have something to visualize this growing child as because there are still days when this whole pregnancy thing still seems surreal.

We've begun packing up our house and "de-cluttering" so that we can show our house and show off it's space once we put it on the market. Boxes are slowly taking over the living room, but I'm ok with that because it shows progress being made. My normal perfectionist, everything-needs-a-place self has taken a backseat for now and it's been a good thing. And if you know anyone who wants a one bedroom condo in a super location and an incredible price, please send them our way. We'll love you forever. And ever.

I'm feeling good these days, energy wise, except for the nasty head cold I came down with last week that kept me awake at night and clogged up my nose like I've never experienced before. Before the cold, I was already congested due to being pregnant, so having an actual cold on top of that made it completely irritating. Today, I'm thankful that I can finally breathe through my nose, keep my mouth closed and sleep through the night. And I'm thankful for Claritin, and that I can take it while pregnant.

I'm definitely in the "in-between" stage of feeling chunky and having a pregnant looking belly. If I'm honest, it's been hard to accept the changes going on, but I can be encouraged that it's 1.) for a good cause and 2.) not forever. Matt and I will be hitting the pavement hard after this munchkin's arrival. It's just harder to accept in these moments when one feels completely unattractive. One thing I've begun to notice is that when I see people at church or other events or get togethers, especially if they haven't seen me in a while, they always look at my belly first. I guess I can't blame 'em. I, too, am waiting to have that popped, "I'm pregnant, not fat" belly, but it's a very strange feeling to be greeted with glances at my midsection before people look at my face. However, I'm super thankful to my husband, mom (and dad!) and sister-in-law who have given me new clothes, taken me shopping and helped me to feel pretty during this not-so-glamorous feeling stage in my life.

Our next doctor appointment is still over a week away. Feels like it's been forever since we've been. I've never looked forward to a doctor's appointment before. I'm the person that hopes they will call me and cancel it because I hate going so much. But, this next one is the big ultrasound and we're eager to see our little one and it's heartbeat. Oh, and we'll get to find out if it's a boy or a girl too. Yep, it's a pretty big deal.

Something I'm really looking forward to is feeling the munchkin move. I think I felt it several weeks ago as I was sitting quietly at my desk. The feeling could be described as one like a butterfly fluttering or a bird flapping it's wings attempting to take off. I hadn't eaten lunch yet, but it was much too different than anything I've ever felt before. I haven't felt it since and am looking forward to being able to distinguish between a hungry stomach, indigestion and the kicks of our baby.

We are often asked if we have come up with any names yet. Nope. We started talking about ones we like, but haven't spent too much time on the subject as of yet. Once we know what we're having, that will take many out of the running and we can focus our attention on boy or girl names and not both. Yes, even with baby names I have to simplify and keep it uncomplicated. Keeps my brain in it's happy place.

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