December 5, 2011

Katherine + Jarod: E. Carroll Joyner Park, Wake Forest, NC

Meet Katherine and Jarod. High school sweethearts and good friends from our church and small group. Katherine asked me to take their pictures this year and to say that we had a good time would be an understatement. I am so thankful to have had the chance to get more experience behind the camera, but more thankful to spend an afternoon with these guys. They are so easy-going and fun to be around, not to mention super cute! I'm also thankful for my husband who came along and contributed ideas, muscles and the comic relief to bring out the more natural smiles! And Jarod was a trooper the whole afternoon, smiling even though feeling a bit under the weather.

 Thanks, Katherine and Jarod, for your patience and fun! We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy-those are so great!!!!! i love the colors, style and poses..... way to go!!
    love, mom
