November 16, 2011

Friday Factoids & Other Thoughts

Isn't it interesting, no matter what your circumstances are, that life has a way of always making you chase your tail? That's how I feel lately. So much to do, so little time. The list goes on and on and on... never ending cycle, right?

So, once again, I'm playing catch up on this blog. Some random facts and other thoughts for your reading pleasure:

1. Operation Christmas Child is in full swing at Journey (and all over the place)! We've been handing out boxes and brochures and collecting donations for the past couple of weeks. I am also looking forward to heading to Charlotte again this year to volunteer in the Processing Center, where I will help sort through boxes and get them packed up in cartons ready to be shipped out. I'm especially blessed with the opportunity to go twice, one time with my parents (and a team from Journey) and one time alongside my husband and two good friends from our small group.

2. We had to turn the AC back on this week since it was near 80 degrees. Yes, you read that right. In the middle of November, one week before Thanksgiving. It was getting mighty warm inside our little condo, and as much as I tried to fight it, I just couldn't. After an attempt to cool off with the windows open (because 80 degrees in the fall is much cooler than 80 degrees in the summer), I caved. At least it was only for one day, as the temps dropped back down to what is considered normal for this time of year around here. Most other days it's been super pleasant with the windows wide open. I feel like we've finally had an extended period of a "real" fall that we have been able to enjoy.

3. I've had lots of photography opportunities lately between the leaves changing color and doing a couple of photo shoots for some friends. I've enjoyed gaining a little more experience and getting to use my dad's camera is always a plus! (Thanks again, Dad!) But, there is still so much more to learn. One step at a time, one step at a time.

4. As the holidays are winding up, I feel like Christmas decorations everywhere have gone up way early; earlier than in years past. Almost every shopping center and store is decorated for Christmas and playing Christmas music. I'm sure it's some kind of ploy to get people to shop now and spend more money this year. Poor Thanksgiving. He doesn't stand a chance.

5. We are coming to a close for this trimester of small group. I cannot believe we are already looking at the last few weeks of meeting together before Christmas break. We celebrated thanksgiving together last night and enjoyed a good meal and good fellowship. We're so thankful for our friends, new and old. We shared LOTS of crazy laughs!

6. I've "officially" launched Sparrow Tree Greetings, my photo card design shop. If you haven't already, you should check it out! Click on the button towards the top of this blog to get there. There's much more work to be done, but again, one step at a time, one step at a time. (Do you see a recurring theme here? It's so I don't get overwhelmed. :)

7. I'm really looking forward to next week and being with family for a few days. It's been way too long since I've seen my older brother and his family. Can't wait to hug my little nephews! Once Thanksgiving has come and gone, it'll finally be time to gear up for Christmas. First on the list? Buy our tree!

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