October 2, 2011

Simple Things

easy to understand, deal with, use; not elaborate or artificial; not ornate or luxurious; unaffected, unassuming, modest; not complicated.

I enjoy the simple things in life.

Things like cool, fall weather and open windows. Cozy blankets and a candle burning.

Things like homemade apple desserts, filled with cinnamon, sugar and a scoop of ice cream.

Things like having conversations on the phone with friends in Uganda.
When you hear their voice, it's like a piece of home.

Things like answered prayers, especially when those prayers seem so small. Two prayers sent up at the same time from two different hearts for a stranger's key to turn over so their car would crank.
(God doesn't think they are small. He cares about every detail.)

Isn't it funny how we as humans complicate things so much, make things so much harder than they have to be? We rush around from here to there, doing this and doing that. Our minds race from thought to thought. We wear ourselves out and stretch ourselves thin. I know I'm guilty.

What would it be like if simplicity were the norm?

Linking up with:


  1. great photo! i wish simplicity was the norm too!

  2. Brilliant close up in your photo. Just lovely.

  3. Love that shot. I love the simple things too.

  4. Great shot. I am ready to make some caramel covered apples!

  5. awesome shot and i love your words!

  6. Agreed! I'm so guilty of forgetting to keep it simple.

  7. Your image and your words are so beauitufl. Thank you for sharing in the simple things sunday linky. Can't wait to stop back by your blog this Sunday. I'm your newest follower. :) Rebecca
