October 21, 2011

Friday Factoids

1. We've had our fill of the N.C. State Fair this past week. As many times as we went, I'd say any "fair fever" we had has been remedied! We did have fun each time we went, with different family and friends, food and photos. The highlight for me this year was getting to indulge in the N.C. State homemade ice cream. Each year I have good intentions of getting some, and each year, the line is much too long to warrant standing in it. Thanks to the rain on Wednesday night, the line was short and so was the wait. (Stay tuned for a post highlighting our time at the fair.)

2. The holidays are quickly approaching and I'm waiting anxiously for the appropriate time to decorate! Only 35 days until Thanksgiving and 65 days until Christmas! With that comes lots of family time, serving alongside Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child, celebrating several birthdays, and remembering all this year has been for us.

3. Prayers would be appreciated for my grandfather. Please pray that he would make the right decisions regarding his medication and understand that he needs to take it. Please pray for my parent's safety as they are traveling to Florida to be with him and for their return trip home. Pray for wisdom and guidance for all involved.

4. Tomorrow we head to my alma mater, Elon, for their homecoming game. We'll be catching up with Matt's cousin, who is now on staff with the football program, and we hope to get some behind the scenes tours. I'm really looking forward to being back on campus and seeing all the changes that have been made since I was there. Photos are sure to follow next week!

5. I'm almost finished putting our house back together. We have thoroughly enjoyed eating at our kitchen table this week and sitting on our couch to watch tv rather than our bed. Only a little more to finish in our bedroom, and we'll finally have things back in place. We have very thankful hearts.

1 comment:

  1. You are an early birdie! Thanks for the snapshots you paint with your words, and for yor prayers.....we love you!
