September 8, 2011

Recent Happenings

I can explain, really I can.

I've had really good reasons for being such an absent blogger for the last week or so.

Nothing too huge so don't get too excited.

I've buried myself in being creative this week. Designing photo cards for Christmas and a blog to offer them from. Soon I will be able to share what I've been doing, but it's not quite done yet. I'm hoping to have things launched by the end of the month so bear with me. It's almost ready.

I have yet to hear back from Snapfish on my design submissions. I'm trying not to worry, as it is a beta program and they did inform me it might take a bit of time to get back to me. I know they received my designs because I received two emails from them. But, when I went on their website yesterday, all I got was an error message. That can't be good. I'm hoping it was just a fluke and that I'll hear something soon.

On Sunday night, we joined a few friends to see the African Children's Choir perform in downtown Raleigh at the African American Festival. Immediately, it brought us back to our time in Uganda with all those children. We are missing them terribly.

Our awesome friends who have been going through the process of becoming licensed foster parents received their first placement! We are so excited for them. Any kid would be lucky to live in their home and call them mom and dad!

Small group has started back for the final trimester of the year. Much of our focus for the next few months will be on this ministry. Our numbers are growing and God is already at work, preparing one couple to lead and spin off a new group come 2012.

In other news, we are officially a one-car family after selling my car this week. Yikes! No, nothing was wrong with it. In fact, it was a beauty and served me well. Really well. No problems. No hiccups. No accidents. It was a great car. In our efforts to become better stewards of God's stuff, there was no reason to keep the car. With me being at home and not using it very often, it seemed silly to throw money down the drain each month as we worked towards paying off the debt. It's something we had talked about for some time but never took the step. You know how that goes. But, it was time to make a move in this household. Yes, we'll have to adjust to a new normal and schedule for things, but getting a "raise" is totally worth it. Grocery shopping can be done at night, right? And, because we were not upside down in the loan (praise God!) we walked away with some money to put away towards our next car purchase for the future. This time, we'll be buying used and paying cash. No more car payments for the Scott family!

We are one step closer to calling Dave Ramsey and screaming at the top of our lungs, "We're debt free!"

We are one step closer to being able to move out of our one bedroom condo and into a house with space to grow.

We are one step closer to being able to move forward with our lives.

And we're really excited about it!


  1. :-) Good for you guys! We are paying off our cars and will never have TWO payments again... I'm so over debt! Looking forward to seeing your new project! Love you guys :-)
