September 19, 2011

Monday Musings

1. Our condo is finally getting repaired this week after water incident #3. Finally. After more than 3 months of waiting for things to dry out, for insurance companies to make decisions, for estimates to be made. Oh, and throw in a trip to Uganda in the middle of it all. Have I mentioned that I can't wait to clean my house from top to bottom when it's back in it's normal state?!

2. Our niece is due on Wednesday! The whole family is on baby watch and we eagerly wait for Della to make her debut. We cannot wait to meet her, hold her, snuggle her, take pictures of her, and welcome her in to our family.

3. We will get to the beach this year after all! On Friday, we're heading down to Wilmington for the weekend with our good friends to babysit for them while they attend a wedding. We're bunking up in one room and it's going to be a blast!

4. Finally heard back from Snapfish on my photo card designs and they denied me. Didn't think I would be as bummed as I was to receive that news, but I trust in a God who has a different plan for my design dreams.

5. I'm so thankful that the temperatures have dropped and our windows have been open since Friday. Bring on the fall-scented candles, hoodies, chili in the crockpot, crisp air, pumpkins, and cozy blankets.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Excited to be spending the weekend with you guys! Thanks so much for being willing to help us out -we appreciate you guys so much!! & yay that Della made her appearance on time;-) Congrats Auntie!
