September 30, 2011

Meet {Baby} Della

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Laboring & Waiting

An excited Nana and Mimi wait in anticipation...

The Mommy-to-be's movie of choice...


Della Charles Morin

Born on September 21, 2011
at 7:29 p.m.
6 pounds 11 ounces
20 1/2 inches

Proud Parents
Jeremy and Erin Morin

Tiny fingers and tiny toes,
A head full of hair and a cute button nose.
A soft, gentle cry and perfect pink skin,
Your family marvels at all of your perfection.

Your Mommy and Daddy are smitten, so in love.
We praise our Creator, our God up above.
He formed you and knew you before there was time,
He has placed you here with purpose, He has given you life.

There's no shortage of love in this family,
from Gramps and Nana

to Papa and Mimi.

Your Auntie and Uncle, our hearts you have won,
We look forward to all of the days yet to come.
Days filled with singing, book reading, ice cream and s'mores,
Of playing games and making sand castles and running along the shore.

Sweet Girl, you are loved, more than you know,
We pray you'll find Jesus as you start to grow.
We'll love you forever and not a single day less,
Welcome to the world, little one, you are precious!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...
Jeremiah 1:5


  1. Stacy- this is beautiful....what a wonderful way to welcome our little Della to the world....I thank God for your talents, and you for your willing spirit to put those talents to use! I love you forever...Mom

  2. Stacy, you are awesome!!! as is this post to introduce Della Charles!!!
