August 18, 2011

Snapfish Hopeful

Several months ago, I found out that has a program that allows designers to submit card designs for sale on their site. Before I can create and post my own designs for sale, there is an approval process to go through. I'm happy to finally say that I've submitted my five designs and now just have to sit back and wait for the news.

If approved, what I love about this program is that:

1.) I can design when I'm inspired to create a card, not when I need to meet a deadline. If you're an artist, you understand the frustration in creating something because you have to verses because you want to.
2.) Once I create the design, my work is done. I don't have to build a card, print a card or ship a card. I'm simply selling my design to the public.
3.) Easy money. Well, if my cards sell. There's no harm in them sitting online. If one of my designs sells, then I get a cut of the cost of the card and will mail me a check.
4.) While I don't use hardly ever, it's a leading company in it's industry and is a great place to get exposure because of the high volume of traffic.

So, check back in 2-3 weeks to see if I've been approved! (And pray that it is a yes!)


  1. I couldn't IMAGINE Snapfish turning your designs down! They are fabulous!! Seriously beautiful! I hope that works out so well for you, Stacy!

  2. LOVE your new blog and working for Snapfish...what?! How awesome. I'm with Kelly, I can't imagine them not loving your designs!

  3. Thanks everyone! We'll wait and see! :)

  4. This is so great Stacy!!! They will love your designs!!
