Get a load of that belly shot. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. So long feet!
Since last update, our condo is still set to sell and we close on May 30th. One week left in the place I've called home for almost six years now. It's kind of bittersweet, but I can't say we'll miss it. Well, too much. It's been a great place, minus the water heater issues from neighbors, but truly I cannot complain. It has fit our needs perfectly.

Our little man is growing like a weed. Apparently he weighs as much as about four navel oranges, or just over three pounds, and measuring in at around 15-16 inches. Did I mention that he is a rambunctious little fella? If this is any indication of what he's going to be like outside of my belly, oh boy. It's time to strap on the running shoes. He tends to move most when I lay down at night. And I mean move. Like acrobatic type moving. Matt was able to experience this and the only phrase out of his mouth was a repeated, "Oh my gosh." Then he asked me if that is what he does every night. Yep. Every night. Let's hope that he takes after his daddy in the sleep department, and not his mama.
We're now down to doctor's appointments every two weeks instead of four. The doctors are still pleased with his progress and mine, and he continues to be on track just as he should be.
While most people who see me don't believe I'm seven months pregnant (thank you all), I definitely feel seven months pregnant. Falling asleep is becoming more difficult and it's getting much harder to bend forward and sit up and as I pack up the rest of our house, there are many more breaks needed for resting than before.

We had our maternity photo shoot at the beginning of May. Or I guess I should say "mini" shoot. We might have gotten interrupted by a tornado warning and ended up having to cut our two hour session to about 30 minutes. I was super disappointed, especially after having picked out new outfits, gotten hair and make up done, and being treated to a manicure by my mom for it. But, the blessing is 1.) Our photographer did get some photos and 2.) She is going to finish out our session and bartering agreement by doing a newborn photo shoot once our little guy has arrived. Score. We had been thinking about newborn photos for a while now, and weighing all of our options, and this is definitely the perfect one. We couldn't be more excited! So, stay tuned for maternity photos. We are still waiting to get our proofs back!
We've chosen our pediatrician. We have our crib. We have our date for our birth class. We have our baby shower coming up in less than two weeks and I am SO excited about it. I am really looking forward to seeing what my sister-in-laws have been up to this whole time.
Ready or not, final countdown here we come!
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