I'm a little behind the eight ball, but in an effort to be more productive with any extra time I find myself with, I've set the goal to read 12 books in 2012. So far, I have 10 picked out, leaving room for 2 extra ones that I haven't yet decided on or purchased. I'm not going to stress about a particular order nor will I stress about getting one finished each month. I realize that with all we have going on, I might find more or less extra time each month to read and that's okay. I've also chosen a majority of books that will be beneficial to me in some way, particularly pertaining to my walk with Jesus, but that do not include the Bible. (Reading through the Bible is an entirely separate goal for me carrying over from the middle of 2011 that I hope to have done in July.) These are books outside of my quiet time in the mornings. The list also does not include the current book I'm reading about pregnancy. That's just a gimme for educating myself on all the unknowns. But, I've got to throw a novel in for fun, perhaps an especially good choice for once the munchkin is here and I'm too tired to remember important things I read. Ha!
1. Radical
2. Radical Together
3. The Power of Praying 3 in 1: Praying Wife
4. The Power of Praying 3 in 1: Praying Parent
5. The Power of Praying 3 in 1: Praying Woman
6. The Help
7. Sacred Marriage
8. The Life You've Always Wanted
9. One Thousand Gifts
10. The Story
11. TBD (possibly Real Marriage)
12. TBD (probably a parenting book of some sort; any suggestions welcome!)
So here's to setting a goal and working towards accomplishing it, and nourishing my mind with good things!
I have been wanting to read Radical. Let me know what you think of it.